The Thread - traced in the Rise of Israel

Image credit - Immo Wegmann -

Thread 3

This timeline highlights a thread of truth which runs throughout human history from creation, through every time period illustrated on this timeline, right through to the end times as recorded in the book of Revelation.

That thread is this:

God is Alpha and Omega; as creator, he has revealed himself to mankind as the only true and supreme God for all nations. He communicates with us and desires to participate in our lives in order to have a relationship with us.

His ultimate goal is to prepare us to spend eternity with him in perfect holiness and happiness through salvation.

This thread starts in Genesis chapter one and continues through all of human history as recorded in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

There are two opposing forces which can also be traced from Genesis to Revelation.

 First - is the unrelenting sinful nature and stubborn rebellion of mankind refusing to submit to God's laws.

Second - is the constant stalking and harassment of that ancient serpent, the devil. He never gives up in his vain attempts to thwart the will of God in his dealings with mankind.

All through human history, God reigns supreme and in the closing chapters of Revelation, Satan finally meets his eternal doom while the saved of earth enter an eternity of bliss and happiness with God.

The Thread

Period 4: The Rise of Israel

Here in the account of the Nation of Israel we see how God called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and through Jacob (renamed Israel) he chose the Nation of Israel to be his own possession. 

The selection of his chosen people was not designed to exclude all other nations; on the contrary, Israel was supposed to be a light for the nations - in order to attract all nations to worship the one and only true God.

Sadly, for the most part, Israel failed in this responsibility.

As we pointed out at the start of this page, Israel’s ‘Golden Age’ of the past will be surpassed in splendour and duration when Christ sets up his Millennial Kingdom on this earth.

The Lord Jesus Christ will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords with his throne in Jerusalem and the people of Israel restored to the Promised Land taking centre stage among the nations. 

At that time Israel will not fail. This subject is discussed in more detail on the Millennial Reign of Christ page.