
Welcome and thank you for visiting C2R

You will be able to get in touch soon if you have any questions or comments. The email address is being set up and will be active soon.

At that time, please feel free to:

1. Email a comment or question

2. Subscribe - Blog email

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations

As and from Friday 25 May 2018 - outgoing Blog emails comply with GDPR 

1. Mailchimp email platform is used for all outgoing Blog emails

2. All subscriber email addresses are securely held and will NOT be shared with any third party

IMAGES - on this website 

Images throughout this website have been uploaded primarily from (a few from Pexels), all images are royalty free. The author of C2R expresses his gratitude to community of photographers for this excellent free resource. 

The author considers himself indemnified against any liability to pay for any images on this (not for profit) website.