The Thread – traced in the Millennial Reign of Christ

Image credit - Immo Wegmann -

Thread 3

This timeline highlights a thread of truth which runs throughout human history from creation, through every time period illustrated on this timeline, right through to the end times as recorded in the book of Revelation.

That thread is this:

God is Alpha and Omega; as creator, he has revealed himself to mankind as the only true and supreme God for all nations.

He communicates with us and desires to participate in our lives in order to have a relationship with us.

His ultimate goal is to prepare us to spend eternity with him in perfect holiness and happiness through salvation. This thread starts in Genesis chapter one and continues through all of human history as recorded in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

There are two opposing forces which can also be traced from Genesis to Revelation.

First - is the unrelenting sinful nature and stubborn rebellion of mankind refusing to submit to God's laws.

Second - is the constant stalking and harassment of that ancient serpent, the devil. He never gives up in his vain attempts to thwart the will of God in his dealings with mankind.

All through human history, God reigns supreme and in the closing chapters of Revelation, Satan finally meets his eternal doom while the saved of earth enter an eternity of bliss and happiness with God.

The Thread

Period 12: The Millennial Reign of Christ

Here, in the millennial reign of Christ, we see an astonishing development in how God interacts with mankind.

For the first time since creation we see that the first opposing force – the stubborn rebellion of mankind – will be governed by Christ as he reigns on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Christ will rule all the nations on earth with justice and fairness and will rule with a rod of iron. He will see to it that there will be justice, fairness and equality in world government of which he will be the head.

We also see for the first time since creation that the second opposing force of Satan will be nullified for 1000 years as Satan will be locked up in the abyss. He will no longer be free to roam to and fro on the earth and he will no longer be a roaring lion seeking people to devour.

Blessed are those who will live on the earth during this time. Blessed are all believers in Christ who will accompany him and reign with him during this time.

Imagine all of the areas of injustice, unfairness and inequality across the earth that grieve us; we will be Christ’s ambassadors and servants to put things right. What a privilege, what an assignment!

Did you ever think that your life could be a preparation for this time? Think of all the hurts and disappointments, all the instances of injustice and unfairness that you have personally been exposed to; I have often thought that these trials, while having significance in our lives here and now, could also be preparing us for executing the righteousness of God during the Millennium.

2 Corinthians 4 v 16-17

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Have you spent years confined to a sick bed or a wheelchair? What if your present suffering is equipping you for a role in the millennium? What if you will have a say in how disadvantaged people will be treated and cared for in the millennium. 

Remember, many of the survivors of the dreadful Tribulation will be homeless, disabled or victims of war. Have you lost a limb and been disabled as a result? Have you spent most of your life in physical hardship or poverty?

These conditions could well be a preparation for your role in this new age. All of us have suffered in some form, whether physically, mentally or emotionally. I would encourage you to allow some thought that your present circumstances might be equipping you for your role in this glorious new age.

Your spiritual CV is being written for a future time when you will have an impact in world government during the millennium.

What a perspective! What a prospect!