
It is clear that the message to these seven churches as outlined in Revelation chapters 2-3, contain more than a literal and local context.

History and hindsight have enabled us to glean the prophetic message that was contained in these letters.

We are now living in the reality of their warnings.

The modern day church is part and parcel of this Laodicean dispensation. It embraces all denominations and includes the most modern phenomenon of ‘independent churches’ which have sprouted up in every town and city across the English speaking world.

These independent churches usually desire to be seen as separate from mainstream denominations and want to establish themselves as being different in some way.

Sadly, many of these churches experience a misleading growth in numbers due to disillusioned people migrating from other churches where they 'feel that they no longer fit in'.

Healthy growth in numbers should be generated by people coming to Christ in repentance and salvation as outlined in the early church in the book of Acts.

While there are many thriving churches across all denominations, the fact remains; the church at large is divided and lukewarm. Individual and corporate witness is largely ineffective and often counterproductive. Christ is coming back at an hour when we will least expect him.

Read more on the ‘Modern Day Church’ page.

The dispensation of four of the churches in Revelation chapters 2-3 would continue in some form until the rapture; Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

The respective message to these churches was;

1. Hold on!

2. Wake up!

3. Endure patiently!

4. Be earnest and repent!

We might well ask; how effective is our corporate and individual witness?

Does my life cry out - 


Personal acknowledgement:

I am indebted to J Allen, having had the privilege of not only reading his book on Revelation, from the ‘What the Bible Teaches’ series - but also attending bible readings in Cloughfern Gospel Hall, Newtownabbey, NI, where Jim Allen presided during a year long series of studies in the book of Revelation. 

His books on Revelation and Daniel are a must read for anyone who desires to grasp the issues surrounding the end times.

For details on these books use the link below;

An outline of Revelation – J Allen