An outline of Revelation – J Allen

Image credit - Aaron Burden -

Pen 6

Acknowledgement - J Allen

As I have previously stated; I am indebted to Jim Allen for his insight on this subject and for his two books on Revelation & Daniel.

References throughout this timeline to his work on Revelation and Daniel is with profound gratitude and recognition of his dedication to the study of these books.

I recommend the following books and outline by J Allen:

DANIEL RECONSIDERED – J Allen - Published by: STL

Image credit - Rod Hawkins

Daniel 7


Published by: Ritchie New Testament Commentaries – ‘What the Bible teaches’ series.

I have no hesitation in describing both of these books as being meticulously academic in their scope and at the same time the author has been scrupulously fair in the treatment of alternative views at every opportunity. 

Image credit - Rod Hawkins

Revelation 7

Outline of Revelation by J Allen

Prologue: Christ Communicating 1: 1-8 Timeline

Vision 1: Christ and the Churches 1: 9 – 3: 22 Gospel of Grace

Christ lives – The Priest                                                

1 The writer Introduced 1: 9-11

2 The Christ Revealed 1: 12-20

3 The Messages to the Churches 2:1 – 3:22

The Rapture – between chapters 3-4

Vision 2: Christ and the Cosmos 4:1 – 19:10

Christ Acts – The Lamb

1 The Throne Scene in Heaven 4:1 – 5:14 Tribulation Opens

2 The First Six Seals Opened 6:1-17

3 The First Parenthesis 7:1-17 > People

4 The Seventh Seal 8:1-5

5 The First Six Trumpets 8:6 – 9:21

6 The Second Parenthesis 10:1 – 11:13 > Places

7 The Seventh Trumpet 11:14-19               

8 The Third Parenthesis 12:1 – 14:20 > Purposes

9 The Seven Bowls Poured Out 15:1 – 16:21

10 The Fourth Parenthesis 17:1 – 19:10 > Powers

Vision 3: Christ and the Conquest 19:11 – 20:6

Christ Comes – The Sovereign

1 The Revelation of the King 19:11-21

2 The Establishment of the Kingdom 20:1-6

3 The End of Earth History 20:7-10 

Vision 4: Christ and the Consummation 21:1 – 22:5

Christ Reigns – The Throne of God and of the Lamb

1 The New Creation 21:1-8

2 The New City 21:9 – 22:5

Epilogue: Christ Challenging 22:6-21

Christ Speaks – The Morning Star

1 Human Responsibility 22:6-11

2 Divine Recognition 22:12-17

3 Spiritual Responsibility 22:18-21     

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