Main Menu
Bible History
1 - The Creation
circa 4000 + BC
2 - The Fall of Man
circa 4000 + BC
3 - The Flood
circa 2344 + BC
4 - The Rise of Israel
circa 2050 -1450 BC
5 - The Exodus
circa 1450-1400 BC
6 - The Promised Land
circa 1400-590 BC
7 - The Coming of Christ - Central in History
4 BC - AD 34
8 - The Early Church
AD 34 - 350
9 - The Middle Ages
circa AD 350 - 1500
10 - The Reformation and the Modern Day Church
circa AD 1500 to present day
11 - The Rapture and The Tribulation
Future - but imminent
12 - The Millennial Reign of Christ
Future - follows the Tribulation
13 - The Final Judgment and Eternity
Future - follows the Millennium